- RIPE 84 Student Event
- DENOG & BCIX Pre-Meeting Social
- RIPE NCC Certified Professionals
- Academic and NREN Reception
- The Pod
- The Daily Kahoot! Quiz
RIPE 84 Student Event
Tuesday, 3 May 17:00 – 18:30 (UTC+2/CEST)
We invited students to join us for this virtual session understanding how the Internet works with leading experts Bert Hubert, Franziska Lichtblau and Mirjam Kühne. Each speaker shared a bit about how the Internet works, followed by questions and open discussions.
DENOG & BCIX Pre-Meeting Social
Sunday, 15 May 2022 from 19:00 to 00:00 (UTC+2/CEST)
Are you attending RIPE 84 in Berlin? You’re invited for a pre RIPE 84 social event organised by DENOG and BCIX on Sunday, 15 May! Join in for an evening of networking, and watch the sun set over the Berlin skyline from the heights of the Alice Rooftop.
RIPE NCC Certified Professionals
Get certified at RIPE 84! You can schedule and take a RIPE NCC Certified Professionals exam during the RIPE Meeting.
Already earned a RIPE NCC Certified Professionals badge? We want to celebrate your achievement by taking a Class Photo! Pick up your Certified Professionals t-shirt or hoodie and get photographed in the RIPE 84 “Class Photo”.
Academic and NREN Reception
Date: Monday 16 May
Time: 18:00-19:00 (UTC+2/CEST)
Where: Tutorial Room (Bellevue)
Do you work in academia, research or with NRENs? Join the Academic and NREN reception!
The Pod
Date: Open daily
Where: Coffee break area | SpatialChat
Welcome to the Pod! The Pod is our interactive space for onsite and online attendees to connect and network.
Online: Go to The Pod on SpatialChat – you never know who you might come across.
Onsite: Use the laptops to pop into SpatialChat and engage with online attendees. The Pod is open all week long!
We also have events taking place in the Pod during the meeting week:
Welcome Reception. The RIPE Chair Team and RIPE NCC Executive Board will drop by.
Monday: 19:00 – 20:00 (UTC+2/CEST)
Al & Al take over the pod
Join Alun Davies, RIPE Labs Editor and Alastair Strachan, Community Development Officer and RIPE 84 online attendees in the Pod!
Tuesday: 10:30 – 11:00 (UTC+2/CEST)
Wednesday: 11:30 – 12:00 (UTC+2/CEST)
Thursday: 10:30 – 11:00 (UTC+2/CEST)

The Daily Kahoot! Quiz
Time: During the afternoon coffee breaks
- Monday: 15:30 (UTC+2/CEST)
- Tuesday: 15:30 (UTC+2/CEST)
- Wednesday: 16:00 (UTC+2/CEST)
- Thursday: 17:30 (UTC+2/CEST)
Where: Main Room | Meetecho
Every day a new topic and new sound effects. Test your RIPE knowledge with quizmaster Gerardo Viviers for a chance to win some RIPE 84 goodies! Make sure to have your RIPE 84 registration number and the Kahoot! app ready before we start.