Tuesday, 17 May
When: 12:30-14:00
Where: Side Room

At RIPE 84, we will delve into the importance of data and the role it plays in identifying gender issues.
RIPE Chair, Mirjam Kühne will open the session. We will then hear from Lorrayne Porciuncula, the Executive Director of the Datasphere Initiative, on unlocking the value of gender data and addressing gender data gaps.
Shane Kerr, NS1, will present on Measuring Gender Diversity at RIPE Meetings with new data following his previous work in this area at RIPE 73.
Then we open the floor for a group Q&A with Lorrayne Porciuncula, Shane Kerr and Mirjam Kühne.
The Women in Tech session at RIPE 84 is an open event that brings together all attendees in the RIPE community to:
- Raise awareness of the work from women in the community
- Discuss issues that act as barriers for women to participate fully and freely in the community (and beyond)
- Create space for women to share their experiences and best practices
- Enable our male allies to better understand the female experience in the RIPE community
The Women in Tech Session is open and inclusive. Everyone is encouraged to join!