Stephen Suess - 18-05-2022 10:32:24
Hi everyone, I'm Stephen from the RIPE NCC. This chat panel is meant for discussion ONLY. If you have questions for the speaker and you want the session chair to read it out, please write it in the Q&A window also stating your affiliation. Otherwise, you can ask questions using the microphone icon. Please note that all chat transcripts will be archived and made available to the public on
The RIPE Code of Conduct:
Jordi Palet Martínez - 18-05-2022 10:49:33
Just make sure that Q&A also go tot he minutes or the chairs should post them back to the list ...
James Kennedy - 18-05-2022 10:53:24
Hi Jordi, yes we will get the questions from the logs and post them to the list
Elvis Daniel Velea - 18-05-2022 10:59:46
thank you Marco
Jordi Palet Martínez - 18-05-2022 11:07:36
@James tks, because when I tried to copy them ... they were not available already!
James Kennedy - 18-05-2022 11:08:20
me too, I had to ask NCC Op's help ;)
Jeroen Leendertz - 18-05-2022 11:30:48
Why not simplify, any registration change means u loose those assignments and they go back in the pool and the previous owner or company who took them over will have to go back to the waiting list. then leasing / selling will not be possible, stockpilling will become harder as well.
Stephen Suess - 18-05-2022 11:33:30
Hi Jeroen, if you want a response, please write your question in the Q&A panel (icon with question mark) or please wait until the end of the talk and ask your question using audio. Thank you!
Jeroen Leendertz - 18-05-2022 11:33:45
no i was hoping to start the discussion here
Stephen Suess - 18-05-2022 11:33:57
ah ok, thanks
Stephen Suess - 18-05-2022 11:38:50
This session has now ended. The next session is MAT and it will start at 12:00. More info on the RIPE 84 meeting plan: