Daily Archives

Taras Heichenko - 18-05-2022 08:31:32
Good morning! It was almost as rocket launch. Countdown and meetecho started. :)

Sandoche Balakrichenan - 18-05-2022 08:50:18
Good morning to all. Welcome to the IoT WG session!!

Jordi Palet Martínez - 18-05-2022 08:53:25
In case someone is wondering how to join the side room ...

Jordi Palet Martínez - 18-05-2022 08:53:27
The info at, tells that you receive 2 links, one for each room, however, the emails that we get everyday, only have a link for the main room. It is not obvious (and not explained in that document) that to join the "side room", you have the "Event Map" link ... I was using an alternative trick yesterday after trying for while.

Carolien Vos - 18-05-2022 08:59:40
Good morning everyone, I'm Carolien Vos from the RIPE NCC. This chat panel is meant for discussion ONLY. If you have questions for the speaker and you want the session chair to read it out, please write it in the Q&A window also stating your affiliation. Otherwise, you can ask questions using the microphone icon.

Please note that all chat transcripts will be archived and made available to the public on
The RIPE Code of Conduct:

Alun Davies - 18-05-2022 09:00:10
Morning Jordi - thanks for the feedback yesterday. You'll find that today's email has a link for both side and main room.

Sandoche Balakrichenan - 18-05-2022 09:06:51
Leandro Lanzeri from HAW Hamburg on "Secure & Authorized Client-to-Client Communication for Light Weight M2M"

Elvis Daniel Velea - 18-05-2022 09:07:26
hi, how can I see/interact with the side room?

Rob de Meester - 18-05-2022 09:08:18
Hi Elvis, in the top right corner, click the Event Map icon. From there you can select the room

Carolien Vos - 18-05-2022 10:00:14
This session has now ended. The next session is Open Source in the main-room and Address Policy in the side-room and it will start at 10:30h. More info on the RIPE 84 meeting plan: